Bug Handling!

Yesterday on the 3rd of July, we went to Sheffield university again but this time for a ' Be a scientist' day!

 It was a lot more interesting than last time, this time we didn't only go to the museum but when we came back we got to handle all sorts of creatures like: cockroaches, stick insects, meal worms, woodlice and meal worm beetles! I held the cockroach first then some other kids had a turn...

After that I held a long stick insect that was a lot more active than the cockroach. I think Alicia was much more happy to hold to stick insect than the cockroach! :) we also had a look under some microscopes at real life bug heads... it was weird but extremely interesting!

Oh, and by the way we won a years supply of pringles in a competition on Thursday. 


  1. I think you are right Abbie, Alicia definitely preferred the stick insect. Also, yum, well done on the competition win! (Emma) x

  2. yes. And thanks but it was actually my nanny who won them, I was the one who reminded her to go on to the compotation! :)


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