
On Monday Freya had to go to the vets for possibly the last operation. She will have to stay there in a kennel for a week we get to visit her daily but as I'm not very well I missed out on today. :( today is Friday her 5th day there and she looks a bit better but she needs to improve a lot, because this is her last chance... if it doesn't heal now than it is very likely that she will be put to sleep..... :'( but i am super sure that she will come home in 2 days time and stay with us for the rest of her life which hopefully will be another 4 - 5 years!!!

Here is what she looks like....

YEP! She doesn't look very good but I don't mind as long as she is alive, healthy and happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is what she should look like again in about 7 months time!!! :)

SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!

If you don't know what happened to freya you can read about it on the A Good & Bad Week Post


  1. I'm placing all my energy in to your healing Freya xx

  2. :) thanks I hope she gets better too!


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