We Went To Gulliver's World

Friday the 4th September, me, Jess, my uncle Phillip and my auntie Rebecca went to Gulliver's world, first off auntie Rebecca kept it a secret for AGES when we got there we were STILL CONVINCED then uncle Phillip had just took us the wrong way! When we finally found out auntie Rebecca was telling fibs! ;)

We ended up staying in a hotel which my nanny had won the previous year but kept it a secret ALL THIS TIME!!!!

 We stayed in one of the special themed rooms....... WE GOT SWIZZELS!!!!!

When I first walked in I was like "Hmmm, wow".... I heard we were staying here....."WICKED!!!!!!!!". mine and Jessica's room was pretty small but the TV for each bed made up for it! We stayed up 'till about 11'oclock

This room even had a bowl of free sweets and juice!!! After the first night we went to the theme park next door! it started off REALLY REALLY REALLY booooring because when we first walked in there was a really babyish gully opening show where two very sad people dressed up as Gully and Gilly mouse... BUT OF COUSE JESS LOVED IT!!!!!

Here's us on a ride!

Playing on rides is really all that happened all day, so the next day we went to the splash park indoors which was OK but I don't have any photos of that! :( after that we went back to uncle Phillip's and auntie Rebecca's house where grandad finally picked us up and that was our weekend away over!


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