Stop Fracking.....NOW!!!!
Fracking is the process of drilling down into the
earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at rock with teeny tiny
cracks sometimes less than a mm apart to release the gas inside. Water, sand
and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which allows the
cracks to open up a lot more so the gas can escape to the head of the well. The
process is carried out by drilling horizontally to the rocky layer VERY deep
Fracking allows drilling to access
difficult-to-reach amounts of oil and gas. It is thought to have gas security
to the US and Canada for about 100 years, and has opened a way to generate
electricity at half the CO2 emissions of coal.
People suggest fracking of shale gas could add to
the UK's future energy needs. A report by the Energy and Climate Change
Committee in April said shale gas in the UK may help to secure energy supplies
Think about it, people fracking under your
house, 1.your house could SINK. 2. THE NOISE! 3. It would feel like a little
Up to 600 chemicals
are used in fracking fluid. Some of these chemicals are known carcinogens (any of a number of agents
that can cause cancer in people)
(Lead is devastating to the human body, inhibiting oxygen and calcium transport and altering nerve
transmission in the brain)
(Too much uranium can lead to increased cancer risk, liver
damage, or both)
MERCURY (Mercury and its compounds
are highly toxic things for humans a
particular health hazard because it is easily taken up into the body through the
can turn the human body to a liquid state
within a matter of hours!)
(Formalin belongs to that rare
group of poisons which are capable of death suddenly when swallowed!)
GLYCOL(Ethylene glycol has been shown to be toxic to humans and
is also toxic to pets such as cats and dogs)
(naturally radioactive, and can get into the water
supply and can accumulate in the bones!L )
to humans, high levels can cause severe toxicity and even… DEATH!!!)
companies are arguing that there is only 0.5%
to 2% of chemicals used in each lot of fracking fluid but when MILLIONS AND
MILLIONS of GALLONS are being used…… yeah, bad!!!! So fracking = x_x (DEATH!)
but how can we even trust the companies, it could be from 10% to 75% we don’t
yeah, this is few examples of what are going into the soil, working its way up
into plants like grass which cows, sheep even goats will graze on… we eat these
(sorry if you’re a vegie L )!!!!!! These will even go into veg in the
ground….. WE EAT VEG!
all these chemicals GO INTO OUR BODY AND PROBABLY KILL US, but that’s no big
deal EVERYBODY LIKES TO DIE DON’T THEY? Well it’s starting to seem like it, all
the different ways to naturally die but killing ourselves, WOW!!!! Soo yeah
frackings good isn't it… NO!!!!
There is also the issue
of the disturbance caused by the plants. They are very noisy, they operate 24
hours a day and there is lots of light. So species that are very sensitive to
disturbance can be affected, such as bats and some species of birds that
migrate, hedgehogs (which are near enough extinct as it is!), badgers and a lot
I, for one, want this to stop and I bet others
will too! This is just WRONG! Somebody needs to get through to the government
and tell them straight off TO STOP FRACKING!!These
chemicals could well already of worked their way up into everyday food and we
won’t know anything until it’s too late, creepy a bit isn't it?
Now come one anyone who thinks this a good idea needs to research about this. Sure don’t trust me and my facts….. LOOK IT UP! Everybody’s open to their own opinions but this could result of death of many living this from plants to us!!!
Now come one anyone who thinks this a good idea needs to research about this. Sure don’t trust me and my facts….. LOOK IT UP! Everybody’s open to their own opinions but this could result of death of many living this from plants to us!!!
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