
Today, we had another go at Geocaching (this time we actually WENT Geocaching instead of going to big tops!) with me, nanny, Sophie, Anna and their mum.

We first decided to go up a pit hill which my nanny let me navigate the up there we did get there but I took them the loooong way round. But as I turns out, after ages of looking, the cache had gone missing! :(

So after that failed attempt we went looking for a different one, next up Lazy Tree! It wasn't hard finding that one as the twins ( Sophie and Anna) mum found it first.

We then brought them to a cache that we had already found but let them find it. After 5 minutes of looking nanny let me gesture in the direction as I could plainly see it!

We then started to walk back, we had about 45 mins in the park and then we all went home!


  1. Thats sounds fun I wish I could go geocaching with you one day it would be fun :D

  2. But it involves WALKING! We must of walked about 5 miles today!

  3. Haha I dont hate it that much!


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