22 Days Until Christmas Eve, 10 Days Until My Room's Done! :)

2nd December, YAY! On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me. Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

And my grandad got the Christmas calendars so I ended up eating two this morning. :3 yum! 
Also, in 10 days time, I'll have my own room. Well... that night. Grandad's already converted the attic into a bedroom, all we need now is on the 12th December is a man to come round to put the carpet down and that's it, I'm moving in! But, there's one bad thing about the attic the horrible amount of spiders living in the cupboards, luckily I'm not allowed  to go in them, like I would!

I'm also going to St. John Ambulance tonight! Its been fun so far, I need my uniform soon though! (I'm getting distracted by a fat looking pigeon on top of my grandads workshop and its just flew away, never mind. And no, there wasn't any need for this pice of useless information! :3 )


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