Horse Riding :)

So, yesterday, me, Jess, Alicia, Nikki, Luke, Emma, nanny and grandad went horse riding! (Well, not nanny, grandad and Emma), It will be a monthly thing.

So when we got there, I thought it would just be learning about horses and what NOT to do. But I wasn't expecting to actually get on a horse and go trotting! I have never been horse riding so this was a new thing... yay! I am also surprised that I got the biggest horse they had out, and her name was Willow.

Hopefully next time we get to go faster. PS. We have really fat heads with those helmets on -_-

Also, this week in St. John we 'mimicked' (is that the right word?) a car crash and I got to practise CPR.


  1. I liked the trotting as well. I loved the horse I went on , River.


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