Flamingo Land!

Yesterday we went to Flamingo land! We had previously won V.I.P tickets to go there, but the tickets didn't do much except let us get in for free (which is amazing considering that it would have cost £100 or more to get in normally).

It took about 1 hour 40 mins to get there but when we did get there we immediately got on some rides, the first ride me and Grandad got on was the 'Velocity'  where we started off slowly and we stopped and then motorbike noise came on and we took off so unbelievably fast and a load of twists and turns later the ride finished, it was then I realised that this would be one fun day out!

Also, fun fact, the Velocity is the fastest coaster of its kind in the UK.

But, Jess, being the shortie she is, couldn't go on many of the fun rides.We then went to a ride called the 'Flip Flop' where, um, well, this:

Yeah, well, after THAT happened I wanted to curl up into a ball and hibernate for a year... but I decided to put that plan on hold and go a wet myself on more scary rides! Yay. We then went on the 'Navigator', which was similar to the Flip Flop but it felt safer as we were not suspended 7-10 metres in the air.

We then when and had a walk around the Zoo part where we saw Loins, Lemurs, White rhinos (of which are nearing extinction, I think), Zebras and Giraffes!

 We then went to wait for Katie Price to open the brad new attraction, we were stood there for about 1/2 a hour, we stared to get really mad so we decided to leave and go on some rides. Apparently she hurt her back so that's why she was so late. >:( I would of been nice to get a picture but we didn't even get to see her. But we enjoyed going on the rides instead!

We then found a ride that we could all go on, it was called 'Mumbo Jumbo' and even Jess was tall enough! It was actually very good, I was surprised she could go on it coz it was just as exciting a some of the rides she couldn't go on. The queue was stupid though, we where in it for 30 mins and, to make matters worse, we were stuck in front of some of the worst behaved kids evaahh! They made us look like angels they were that bad, they didn't even have adults with them which was so frustrating! Nanny and grandad snapped at then but they had that sort of attitude where after 10 seconds they were doing the EXACT SAME THING!!!

We also went to the Sea-lion show, it was amazing! And sooo funny!!! I don't need to say much because we have put in a couple of videos for you.

And this is a nice view of a ride :)
We also went on a CRAZY ride called the 'Kumali' which looks so scary!!! I instantly regretted it... but it was so fun I went on it again!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!


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