St. John Ambulance Award's Night.

Yesterday, St. John Ambulance held an awards night. I honestly did better than a thought I would, with 2 Trophies, Bronze Prior award, 1 paper-plate trophy (hahaha) and A LOT OF Certificates (9) and best of all, the sweets! :3 Here's a photo of me and the trophies:

The trophy on the left (------>) is best Trainers cadets and the one on the right is for highest attendance (it was joint between me and another cadet, but we dont have permission to put her name :p ). The Paper- plate award was for asking a lot of questions, I THINK that's a complement. Unfortunately Alicia couldn't come, due to 1. Being back at school and 2. Her little pet hamster, Cookie, died... R.I.P Cookie. :'(


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