Endangered Animals Around The World: Part.1

This post is a more serious one, I don't like doing serious one's but most of the time the things I write about need to be noticed, as not many people are doing much about the topics! Today I'm doing animal safety:

This is a hedgehog that we rescued!
In 1950 there were about 36 Million hedgehogs in Britain, 1995 there were around 1.55 Million, In less that fifty years the population of hedgehogs has decreased by about 34.5 Million. And now, in 2016, its fell even further, down to <1 Million... Its estimated that in the next 20-30 years there will be no more hedgehogs left. For them, the most common ways to die are either by car, pesticides and habitat destruction. We have actually saved a few hedgehogs when they are sick or underweight, and released them back.

The situation is no better around the word, though take a look at some of the endangered species from all over the globe!

One well known endangered animal is the African Elephant, who were being hunted for their tusks as they contain large amount of ivory, but their population has begun to come back as people DID do something about it - they restricted the Ivory trade.

 The Red Panda, less then 10,000 individuals. Poached and caught in traps for their fur, often used as hats in Bhutan.

The Black Rhino, <5,000. A critically endangered animal, between 1970 and 1992, 96% of black rhinos were killed for their horn or just for amusement, it's horrible... it really is. In 2014, 1,215 rhinos where poached in South Africa - a 21% increase from the year before.

This is only a few of the many of the endangered animals around the world. Every day, scientists estimate that 150-200 species of Animal, Plant and insect go extinct. Do you want one of those to be your favourite animal?


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