New Years Round-up

So, like last year, I'm doing a little round-up of the year:

So the big main thing this year is the day my little sister became Home ed as well! The first day she came out was actually when we went to see a film called the good dinosaur with home education group, over all in the year we have seen about 15 films with the Home ed group or the Into-film festival the very best one being Fantastic Beasts: and where to find them, which my nanny actually managed to win premiere tickets to! I also visited a theatre for the first time, we went to York Opera House to see Horrible Histories live.

Conisborough castle was another big thing, along with a trip to Flamingo Land (ITS SO GOOOD!!!) and another theme park called WheelGates (I'm getting a little too old for that place now). I've also been to a few horse riding lessons that I will hopefully be picking up again next near. The SJA remembrance day parade was cool to!

Some of the more educational things we've done include cooking classes, nature days (pond dipping, butterfly and tree identification). And I've recently been doing a lot of baking, I am also learning about building a website. I went to 1 S.T.E.M session but unfortunately they have now been cancelled.

And also R.I.P Arrow, died 24th december 2016 :'(

This was taken when we realised he was sick.

2017 looks like it might be an interesting year with horse riding, parkour and the Walk 1000 miles challange!



  1. I'm so sad about Arrow.x

    There is a bright shiny New Year for you to collect some great experiences.x


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