Bye-Bye Fishy :(

The UK is the worlds biggest consumer and distributor of cod and haddock, but this popular food is at high risk. Cod are being WAY over fished, we need to slow down to give them a chance to breed and reproduce. And fish industries have already been warned by MCS (Marine Conversation Society) , but a quote from Mr. Armstrong (the chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation) "The fishing industry is well used to these sorts of frankly meaningless publications… you can continue to buy your fish supper without worrying about whether there will be enough fish left in the sea" tells us that they are just brushing it off as a hoax... you really can't make this up. This species of cod have already gone extinct in Canada and the same could happen in the North Sea (the prime fishing area for cod).

Haddock are too being over fished, their numbers have dropped under the recommended sustainable level for fishing and this will continue to drop unless we do something about it. This is worsened by the affects of pollution and global warming. Tuna is also suffering, tuna is one of my favourite fish along with mackerel. There are 8 types of Tuna and ALL but ONE are on the IUCN ( International Union for Conservation of Nature) list, including the Blue Tuna which is very popular as sushi.

And to finish this off I'd like to talk about the Dolphin shooting in Italy. Recently Italian fishermen have been shooting the dolphins because "They are being too greedy with the fish, we don't get as many fish as we used to". Dolphins only take what they need, no more. If you're over fishing their food it means they either have to go hungry or take what they need whether or not it goes into fisherman's catch amount. I think shooting these creatures is uneccerssy and self-fish (sorry ^-^). So there you go. (Sorry I haven't posted in over a month, I am posting on another blog called Create Make Bake).


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